Trouble In MAGA-Land? Flynn Prepared to Testify Against Trump

michael flynn

Flynn Reportedly Promising “Full Cooperation” To Testify Against Trump Regime

The Mueller Special Council has finally come full circle. As anticipated from the right side of the blogosphere, Michael Flynn has offered unfettered testimony to federal prosecutors regarding President Donald Trump’s involvement with Russian contacts. This keeps possible impeachment hopes alive for hardened Trump opponents, which roughly totals half the country.


The story was just broken wide open, courtesy of an ABC Special Report broadcast. According to a Flynn confidant, ABC reports, “He has promised full cooperation to the Mueller team. He is prepared to testify we’re told by a confidant, against president Trump, against members of the Trump family…”


Perhaps the most damaging testimony will stem from alleged direct orders Trump gave to Flynn to “make contact with the Russians.” Trump has repeatedly stated that no contact was ever established.

The danger here is that Mueller uses Flynn’s upcoming testimony as the basis to recommend charges against Trump–specifically, for violations against the Logan Act, which forbids unauthorized U.S. citizens from negotiating against a foreign power. The maximum punishment for violating the Logan Act? Three years imprisonment, an undisclosed fine, or both. In Trump’s case, the vultures are angling for an impeachment catalyst.

Allegations have persistently been levied against Trump for “Russian collusion” in an attempt to sway the 2016 presidential election. To date, no concrete evidence has surfaced. However, this all changes with Flynn’s involvement. The special council might have actual hard testimony at their disposal, instead of mere circumstantial. None of this changes the fact that many view this as a massive which; a means to an end to reverse the election result. Optics is something the establishment will worry about after it’s “mission accomplished.”

For now, all we can say with absolute certainty is the polarization between right and left continues apace. Whether Trump is ultimately impeached or not, one side will cry foul regardless of what happens.

This promises to be one of the greatest political battles in American history.

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