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Financial Crisis Close at Hand? Skyscraper Index Reaches New Highs

Biggest Financial Risk to America (Aside From Itself)

Sure, there are a lot of risks facing the U.S. economy. We have a severely overvalued stock market. We have...

The Wine’s Good, But the Rest of the Country Is in Big Trouble

Italy Could Drag Down the Whole Eurozone Italy, the third-biggest economic hub in the eurozone, is getting closer to outright...

Are We on the Cusp of a Financial Crisis?

Don’t let those soaring key stock indices make you too complacent...we could be on the cusp of a financial crisis....

This Is Why China Is Fueling Market Volatility

Chinese Debt Could Be the Biggest Cause of Market Volatility Market volatility does not merely depend on monetary policy. Does...

This Obstacle Could Block the Already Weak Economic Recovery

Is This the Slowest Economic Recovery? Drivers like falling oil prices. Even the few drivers of electric cars like cheap...

Is There a 70% Chance of Global Recession in 2017?

Is There Really a 70% Chance of Global Recession in the Next Five Years? Investors, pensioners, retirees, bankers, and economists,...

These Factors Could Lead to U.S. Dollar Collapse, Investors Beware

Price Action and Fundamentals Suggest U.S. Dollar Collapse Could Be Ahead Investors beware. Don’t rule out a U.S. dollar collapse...

The Coming Global Economic Crisis Investors Need to Prepare For

Despite what record stock markets here in America are doing, there’s a global economic crisis looming, and investors need to...