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Will the Petrodollar Collapse in 2018?

Oil Refinery Stocks Are Up 30%: Will This Rally Continue in 2018?

Oil Refinery Stocks Rally Should Continue in 2018 It’s 2018, and investors might be surprised to discover that rather than...

Oil Prices Crash Possible In 2018? These 3 Factors Say So

Reasons Why Oil Prices Crash Could Happen in 2018 Oil prices have more than doubled since bottoming in early 2016....

The Jury Is Out on Whether the Fed Knows What Inflation Might Be

The Federal Reserve Concedes It Hasn't a Clue About Inflation Janet Yellen has proven beyond any doubt that you should...

Oil Prices Alert: Why We Are Headed to $20-a-Barrel Oil

Basic economic forces are suggesting that oil prices could tumble worldwide. It wouldn’t be shocking to see oil prices drop...

Here’s Why Oil Might Not Break $70 in 2017

Will 2017 Mark the Return of $70 Oil? Not Likely Oil prices seem to be heading toward the $60.00 mark....

Oil Prices to Remain Under Pressure Amid OPEC Infighting

Oil Prices Drop Again Oil prices have fallen below $50.00 a barrel. This time, turmoil in Asian markets signaling further...