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One Big Reason Why Gold Prices Could Go Much Higher: Central Banks

Gold Prices: 3 Charts Every Gold Bug Must Watch

Decline in Gold Prices May Be a Blessing in Disguise Over the past few months, the price of gold has...

Global Mint Sales Say Gold Prices Could Go a Lot Higher

There’s a Gold Rush Happening and It Could Spike Gold Prices You will not hear about this in the mainstream...

Gold Prices Soar Past $1,950, but This May Not Be All

Gold Prices Stand at Record-High Levels & There’s a Gold Rush in the Making Gold prices stand at their highest...

These Scenarios Say Gold Prices Could Surge to $2,400 an Ounce

Two Scenarios Painting a Bullish Outlook for Gold Prices Gold prices have done really well lately. Year-to-date, the precious yellow...

Did the Federal Reserve Just Say “Buy Gold”?

Federal Reserve Is Active & It’s Worth Watching Over the past few weeks, the U.S. Federal Reserve has been very...